proven Common Redstart x Whinchat hybrid, Lista Bird Observatory (Vest-Agder, Norway), 18th September 2013 - copyright © Jonas Langbråten
(photo ID: 2594)
Here's another of our regular posts letting you know what pages have been updated in the project recently. As always, a big thanks to all who have contributed photos and/or insights, and if you haven't done yet or have more to offer then please get in touch. You can comment on any thread if you have anything to say about the hybrids or topics covered, and if you have any photos you would be willing for us to use, please let us know (e.g. by emailing us).
The recent updates are summarised below but remember you can find an index list linking you to ALL the bird hybrids featured so far here:
And an index list of all the bird hybrid topics covered so far here:
So, the recent updates are:
New Bird Hybrid pages added for:
- Mallard x Eider
- White-cheeked Pintail x Chestnut Teal
- Yellow-billed (Speckled) Teal x Marbled Teal
- Herring Gull x Caspian Gull
- Herring Gull x Glaucous Gull
- Yellow-legged Gull intergrades
- Common Redstart x Whinchat
New photos added to:
- Greater White-fronted Goose x Bar-headed Goose
- Greylag Goose x Canada Goose
- Snow Goose x Cackling Goose
- Emperor Goose x Barnacle Goose
- Ruddy Shelduck x Common Shelduck
- Falcated Duck x Baikal Teal
- Mallard x Northern Shoveler
- Mallard x Red-crested Pochard
- Red-crested Pochard x Common Pochard
- Common Pochard x Ferruginous Duck
- Common Pochard x Tufted Duck
- Ring-necked Duck x Lesser Scaup
- Herring Gull x Lesser Black-backed Gull (also sound recording)
- Carrion Crow x Hooded Crow
- Intersex birds (and their confusion with hybrids)
Text updated in:
Don't forget you can now follow us on Twitter at @BirdHybrids
Enjoy browsing - and please do contribute where you can!