Friday 28 February 2014

Ross's Goose x Cackling Goose

Ross's Goose x Cackling Goose hybrid, Longmont (Colorado, USA), 16th November 2013 - copyright Cathy Sheeter
(photo ID: 1848)

This bird was smaller than a Snow Goose x Cackling Goose hybrid Cathy photographed at the same site a couple of days earlier, and other differences confirmed it was indeed a different individual.

Ross's Goose x Cackling Goose hybrid (same bird as in photo ID 1848 above), Longmont (Colorado, USA), 16th November 2013 - copyright Cathy Sheeter
(photo IDs: 1846-1847)

Steve informs us that the next bird was clearly the smallest goose among several hundred Canada Geese (both parvipes and moffitti) and Cackling Geese (mainly hutchinsii but also a couple of taverneri).  The tiny size shows up in the next photo as does the very delicate head and bill.  Steve believes that what looks like a hint of a grin patch is mostly due to the extensive dark on the lower mandible.

Ross's Goose x Cackling Goose hybrid, Broomfield (Colorado, USA), 26th February 2012 - copyright Steve Mlodinow
(photo IDs: 1310-1313)

The next one is also tiny, with a very small bill lacking any grin patch.

Ross's Goose x Cackling Goose hybrid, Longmont, Boulder County (Colorado, USA), 17th November 2013 - copyright Steve Mlodinow
(photo IDs: 1133-1135)

In life the next bird appeared slightly smaller than the Cackling Geese it accompanied and its bill was even shorter than the Cackling Geese.  Steve considers that the Cackling Geese are probably Richardson's hutchinsii but isn't ruling out Taverner's taverneri.

Ross's Goose x Cackling Goose hybrid (with Cackling Geese), Stewart's Pond, Weld County (Colorado, USA), 16th March 2015 - copyright Steve Mlodinow
(photo IDs: 2139-2141)

Steve says that the next bird, smaller than nearby Cacklers with a tiny bill, is pretty clearly a Ross's x Cackling Goose:

Ross's Goose x Cackling Goose hybrid (with Cackling Geese), Lower Latham, Weld County (Colorado, USA), 22nd February 2016 - copyright Steve Mlodinow
(photo ID: 2729)

Steve describes these as "especially cute, with round heads and dinky bills."  Yes, I suppose they are cute...

Ross's Goose x Cackling Goose hybrid (with Cackling Geese), Frederick, Weld County (Colorado, USA), 29th November 2016 - copyright Steve Mlodinow
(photo IDs: 2881-2882)

(See alsoSnow Goose x Cackling Goose, Snow Goose x Barnacle Goose, Ross's Goose x Canada GooseRoss's Goose x Barnacle Goose

Ross's Goose Anser rossii or Chen rossii
Cackling Goose Branta hutchinsii

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